Roman Army-Social Studies

Hello everyone.

Today for social studies this week we have been learning about Rome. We have been learning mostly about Ancient Rome and there history behind it. So far I have learnt the empires, sculptures and many more. But for today we are learning about the Roman Amy. Firstly our task was to learn more about the Roman Legions and their armies. After that we had to answer questions the differences between modern police and Roman Legionnaires. I had learnt so much about it and they were some types the both of them where different. For example modern police have guns which is a disadvantage to the Roman legionnaires. But the Roman Legionnaires have really good shields because their shields have really good curves on them which makes them harder to get.

And after that we also had to learn how Roman’s used the turtle formation and why police still use it to this day. It was really interesting learning about it.

Here is the doc that I had to answer questions from: Link

Have a great day!

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