Month: April 2022

Term 1 Review

Hey everyone,

How is everyone doing?  Today I will be telling you what I have enjoyed this term.

This term is one of my favourite term this year. Here are the 3 reasons I liked about this term. First one is when I met my teacher I felt so happy moving to high school. The second reason is when I get to make new friends and also meeting other teachers. Last reason is when I get to do other subjects and learning ways how to do it.

I wish I could add photos of me but I don’t have any.

Thank you for reading my blog stay safe.


Hey everyone,

How is everyone today?. In today’s blog post I will be telling you about Ramadan. Today we had to make a blog post telling about whats Ramadan. Lets get started.

Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims following of the Islam. There is a another word for Ramadan which is Ramazan. Every Muslims have to do fasting. In Ramadan Muslims have to pray and also read the gods and forgives the sins to the people.

Anyways, Bye!